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#pounditSaturday, June 22, 2024

Allen Iverson’s Divorce Sheds Light on 76ers Release

Earlier in the week, we questioned the reason for Allen Iverson’s release by the 76ers. He had been reasonably effective with the team — well worth a roster spot — and he had expressed a huge desire to play following his release by the Grizzlies. How could he go from one extreme — wanted to continue his career and play in the All-Star game — to missing Sixers games with regularity and the All-Star weekend in Dallas on top of it? Well, with the unfortunate news of the impending Iverson divorce, we now have what appears to be the answer.

In the petition, Tawanna Iverson asked for temporary and permanent custody of their five children as well as child support and alimony.

She did not ask for a specific dollar amount.

In the coming months, the courts will prepare to examine the Iverson’s parental and financial status to determine custody and support/alimony amounts. Allen understands that whatever the courts decide will dictate how he lives the next several years of his life; he’s clearly looking out for his best interests. This helps explain the reason given for Iverson’s release from the 76ers (so he could take care of his daughter). The reason makes Allen look good in two ways: he appears as a caring, concerned, and responsible parent for the custody evaluations, and now Iverson has zero income when the courts make their spousal support evaluation. Hence, Iverson might want to continue playing but he has to take the bullet for the rest of the season in order to protect himself from high alimony payments the next twenty or so years. Iverson’s a smart guy and obviously getting some good advice.


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