Chris Bosh Falls to His Knees, Cries in Defeat (Video)
Miami Heat forward Chris Bosh is an emotional softy as we’ve come to find out. He admitted he was nervous before a game in Boston earlier in the playoffs, and he appeared to be crying after a regular season loss to the Bulls. Given what we know about him, it’s no surprise to see that he cried after losing in the NBA Finals. Here’s a video of Chris Bosh crying:
A lot of people will mock Bosh for falling to his knees and crying after the game, but I won’t go there. The guy stepped up against the Bulls and helped get Miami to the Finals. He also played well in the Finals. He proved his place on the Heat and he’s showing us how much he genuinely cares about winning and losing. You can knock Chris Bosh for this, but I won’t. It’s obvious he has heart. Maybe a few of his teammates could benefit from sharing his care for the game.