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#pounditSaturday, February 8, 2025

David Robinson thinks Gregg Popovich will outlast Tim Duncan

Gregg PopovichThere has been a popular theory floating around the NBA that San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich would retire when Tim Duncan hangs up the sneakers. David Robinson does not think that will be the case.

The Admiral joined “Jay Mohr Sports” on Tuesday to talk about his former coach winning his 1,000th career game and was asked how long he thinks Pop will continue to coach.

Mohr: “Does Gregg Popovich coach longer than Tim Duncan plays?”

Robinson: “My guess would be yeah…..Looking at these young guys now, with Kawhi Leonard , Tony (Parker), who still has a lot left in him, and Danny Green , Pop has still a fun challenge ahead of him. As long as Pop can stay healthy and feel good out there, I think he’ll be out there longer than Tim (Duncan) is.”

Mohr also asked Robinson whether Duncan is better than he was. The two played together for the final six seasons of Robinson’s career and won two championships together. Duncan won three more titles and reached four more finals without Robinson.

“If I have to be entirely honest, I’d have to say big Tim (is better). Look at his credentials. I had a lot of fun, I did a lot of great things, but goodness, gracious, Tim is a monster. He’s done everything and you just can’t take that away from him. I think he’s one of the five best players ever.”

Duncan turns 39 in April and is still going strong in the league, thanks largely to Pop resting the “old” man. Pop is 66 and probably has a handful of strong years left in him. Pop will probably outlast Duncan by a few years.