Kevin Garnett Backing Off Charlie Villanueva Cancer Comment Is Even Worse
Kevin Garnett’s desire to get inside Charlie Villanueva’s head with some trash talk Tuesday has backfired. Villanueva wrote on his twitter page that KG crossed the line calling him a cancer patient because CV doesn’t have hair. For anyone who knows Garnett’s history, the comment is not surprising. What is surprising is that KG denied the comment on Wednesday:
“I am aware there was a major miscommunication regarding something I said on the court last night. My comment to Charlie Villanueva was in fact ‘You are cancerous to your team and our league.’ I would never be insensitive to the brave struggle that cancer patients endure. I have lost loved ones to this deadly disease and have a family member currently undergoing treatment.”
When you’re in a sane frame of mind you would not be insensitive towards cancer patients, but when you’re in the heat of the moment and trying to win a game you sure as heck would. Who is buying Garnett’s backtracking? Why is he denying it? That just makes things worse because we know he’s lying. Nobody talks trash in complete sentences! Yeah, I’m sure he said “You are cancerous to your team and our league.” Now that phrase just rolls off the tongue. No contractions either. He should have just apologized and admitted he crossed the line. Then we could have respected him for saying he was wrong. Now he just comes across as having even worse judgment than we thought.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Duane Burleson