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#pounditMonday, June 17, 2024

LeBron James deactivated ‘chill mode’ after Tobias Harris’ trash talking (Video)

Without Kyrie Irving, who missed the game due to an injured knee, LeBron James led the Cavaliers to a 98-89 victory over the Magic on Friday. For much of the game, James looked to be in cruise control. In the third quarter, that changed.

Midway through the third, Tobias swung his elbows as he was trying to create separation in the post with James guarding him. James took exception and the two had words back and forth before needing to be separated with Harris reportedly telling James to “stop flopping” as they walked away.

lebron-james-tobias-harris-commentsFrom then on, the Magic saw different LeBron James than they had seen previously throughout the game. James scored 15 of his 29 points in the fourth quarter. After the altercation, Harris mustered just one point.

Orlando was up 64-62 when James and Harris got into it. While it’s quite possible Cleveland would’ve won the game regardless, James certainly gained motivation afterward, making a Cavaliers win all the more likely. For Harris, he learned that when James is in ‘chill mode’ it’s best to let him stay there.

LeBron James’ postgame comments about the incident with Tobias Harris begin at the 0:39 mark of the above video.


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