LeBron James is one of the most image-conscious players in the NBA. He’s the same guy who panicked after getting dunked
on around by Jordan Crawford two summers ago, collaborating with Nike to get the video confiscated. That was pretty absurd. But if LeBron’s tweet Wednesday is any indication, he may be loosening up a bit. James joked about his frequently ridiculed hairline:

LeBron James reportedly is egocentric enough to call himself “King James” in a text message to another player. Yet this is the same guy who’s now publicly mocking his hairline. That’s the second time this week we’ve heard something along those lines. In the same interview where Dwyane Wade said some of the criticism the Heat endured was unfair, the Miami guard said he often jokes with LeBron about the forward’s hairline.
If LeBron is now willing to publicly show his vulnerable side, that can make him a lot more likable. After all, it’s his egotistical nature that is so off-putting for many critics. Acknowledging faults and flaws humanizes LeBron, making him seem like a normal person. It’s a good public relations strategy if he continues to be real with everyone instead of hiding his problems.