To the left is a photo of Tom Brady wearing a San Francisco Giants hat at a Boston Celtics game, the same night he supposedly stole Leonardo DiCaprio’s seat at The Garden. Does that make any sense at all? Not really. Did it piss Boston fans off? Kind of, but who cares about the Giants and they (we) understand Brady was born and raised there so I guess it’s nothing too serious. If you want to root for a team who’s lone shining star the past decade is Captain Juice Head himself, then that’s fine with us. I mean it’s not like it’s a Yankees hat or anything. He’s not congratulating Kobe Bryant after a Game 3 victory over the Celtics, so what’s the big deal? Nothing much to see here, so let’s move along.
To the right, is a photo of Tom Brady wearing a New York Yankees hat. Now that, my friends, is a big problem. Boston fans don’t care where you’re from or which one of their (our) team’s you play for. If you’re a Yankees fan — keep it to yourself. If you’re the star quarterback of a Patriots team that won three Super Bowls in four years and millions of people consider you to be a hero — definitely keep it to yourself. Oh well. We got over it. If Brady wants to root for the Yankees, he can go ahead. He doesn’t play for the Red Sox, he plays for the New England Patriots, so I guess we’ll get over it. Still, it’s not like he’s joking around with and high-fiving Kobe Bryant at a Celtics NBA Finals game in Boston after a crushing Game 3 loss that causes Celtics fans to start wondering whether or not they still have a shot at a title.
Don’t worry, Tom Terrific has that one covered, too. That’s exactly what he was doing on Tuesday night after the Lakers held on to beat the Celtics in Game 3 in Boston to take a 2-1 Finals lead. Here’s the video of Tom Brady and Kobe Bryant playing grab-ass, courtesy of Bartsool Sports via WBZ-38:
Take it from one who knows, this one stings a little. It’s one thing to be a Laker fan because you grew up following them and are from California, but right in the faces of Boston fans immediately following a loss on their own home court? I’m starting to think Brady tries to piss Boston fans off on purpose. Maybe he’s bitter about his contract situation and this is how he’s dealing with it. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised to see Brady show up to training camp wearing a Peyton Manning jersey.
Does Brady Playing Grab Ass With Kobe Bryant Bother You? [Barstool Sports]
Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant Chat After Game [WBZ-38]