Manny Pacquiao has created quite a hullabaloo this week after his inner-Mitt Romney came out when he reportedly said he was against gay marriage. It was a stance that even got him temporarily banned from (cue dramatic music) The Grove shopping center in L.A.
Naturally, Floyd Mayweather has now put in his two cents for the same-sex marriage conversation and, shocker, has taken the polar opposite position of his arch enemy. And, for a second, you might think, “This is nice. He’s using his celebrity to promote equality for all.” But then you’ll realize this is Floyd Mayweather and he is merely just fanning the flames of his contentious rivalry with Pacquiao and once again trying to make him look like the bad guy. If only these two could just settle their differences with some sort of fight. Oh, right.
Here’s Mayweather’s decree on Twitter, and although he didn’t mention Pacquiao, his intentions were quite obvious:
I stand behind President Obama & support gay marriage. I’m an American citizen & I believe people should live their life the way they want.
— Floyd Mayweather (@FloydMayweather) May 16, 2012
So, to recap, Floyd Mayweather: racist, but definitely not homophobic. Good to know.
Photo credit: Ed Mulholland-US PRESSWIRE