Nicholas Capes, fighter who got knocked about by Ray Edwards’ phantom punch, gets suspended (Video)
Free agent defensive end Ray Edwards has always had a thing for boxing, but I highly doubt he ever thought scoring a knockout could be as easy as it was during a recent match in North Dakota against a “fighter” named Nicholas Capes. The video you see above has gone viral, and it clearly shows Capes taking the dive of the century early in the fight when Edwards missed him with an uppercut by about a foot.
Either the fight was a fix, or Capes was so frightened at the sight of Edwards and his incredible size advantage that he needed a clean pair of shorts the second he stepped into the ring. The more likely scenario is that the latter is true, especially since Combative Sports Commissioner Al Jaeger announced this week that Capes has been suspended indefinitely for the dive.
According to the WCF Courier, Capes was a last-minute replacement for two fighters who did not show. Event promoter Cory Rapacz said Capes did not realize he would be stepping into the ring against a former NFL player, so the backlash is unfair.
Would I want to fight Ray Edwards? Absolutely not, but then again I’m not a fighter. Assuming this Capes guy wants to be a fighter, you would think he would at least be able to take a punch. If you want to stay down after taking one shot that’s fine, but at least take the shot.