Whether authentic or not, there’s just something that’s naturally funny about a dude offering up his wife on Craigslist in exchange for sports tickets. And let’s face it, none of us would be shocked if a member of Big Blue Nation actually created that type of listing. Below is a Craigslist entry that SI Hot Clicks shared with us. Click twice to enlarge the screenshot or jump below for a transcription of the listing.

“I am a UK fan wanting to go to the Final Four in N’Oleans. I have put up my wife as collateral. She can make you speak 5 languages you never knew you could speak. I am not feeling my best so I have to use my sexy mama to get me to the game.
“She is completely game, is a litte picky, but if you make her howl at the moon while making her speak portugese or something I don’t get out of her then by all means…..have at it and let me see my UK Wildcats!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Yes it is bad to do this, but it the Kentucky faithful dammit. Look out for the Bluegrass State and hook this pimp up okay?”
Much like that Giants fan who offered weed in exchange for World Series tickets, we can totally see a Kentucky fan doing this. My only question is — if the guy is serious — where’s the picture? She must not be much of a winner.
Photo Credit: Mark Zerof-US PRESSWIRE