Oregon hit with the memes after losing to North Carolina

When you lose in the Final Four by a point and fail to box out and get a rebound on two straight chances, the internet is not going to react kindly. So it was no surprise that Oregon received some harsh treatment on Twitter after losing 77-76 to North Carolina on Saturday, watching the game slip away after the Tar Heels grabbed consecutive offensive rebounds following free throw misses.
Here’s a sampling of the memes targeting the Ducks. We’ll start with the Crying Jordan variety:
#FinalFour pic.twitter.com/Sa5B1r7fLB
— Legends (@LegendsofCH) April 2, 2017
— Jon Machota (@jonmachota) April 2, 2017
Sorry, Oregon fans. Don't take it personally. #FinalFour pic.twitter.com/3dXSLnJpoZ
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) April 2, 2017
And here’s the best of the rest:
The internet still undefeated! pic.twitter.com/ssoiFWl7PP
— Legends (@LegendsofCH) April 2, 2017
Back to the books, Oregon pic.twitter.com/n5tn55sxyn
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) April 2, 2017
"Box out?" pic.twitter.com/ghJo1JDrpD
— Cecil Hurt (@CecilHurt) April 2, 2017
WANTED: One Rebound! pic.twitter.com/bOTos3oy6L
— Legends (@LegendsofCH) April 2, 2017
— Kyle Madson (@KyleAMadson) April 2, 2017
UNC finished off the duck hunt. #FinalFour pic.twitter.com/zqn163zPer
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) April 2, 2017
You have Died from not boxing out pic.twitter.com/k6COx5pe7i
— Jake Query (@jakequery) April 2, 2017
Dana Altman gotta host a movie night for his team this week pic.twitter.com/Swcgj74npm
— Shane McNichol (@OnTheShaneTrain) April 2, 2017
The Oregon Trail memes never get old.