It’s pretty simple: when an idiot completes the trifecta of crimes and then gets Tasered to top things off, that makes for LBS material. But when said idiot is wearing an Oakland Raiders shirt while acting like a hooligan, that gives us even more of a sports tie and indisputable reason to post it.
So here’s the story according to the Manchester Evening News. A 52-year-old man wearing an Oakland Raiders shirt arrived in Manchester on an easyJet flight from Malta last month and made a drunken scene. He apparently urinated on the side of the Terminal One building, was abusive to passengers on the flight, and stripped as he exited the plane. He also challenged the pilot to a fight and was slapped by his “female companion” for his behavior.
“A 52-year-old man was dry tasered and arrested on suspicion of being drunk and disorderly in a public place. He was issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice,” EasyJet told the Manchester Evening News in a statement.
Bottom line? If you’re not a Manc, you’re a wank.
H/T The Big Lead