Dan Bilzerian is living the life most people dream about. Check that: most peoples’ dreams probably wouldn’t compare to his lifestyle.
Bilzerian is a professional poker player who also is a venture capitalist and part-time actor. He’s gained fame over the past few years by posting pictures on Instagram of his surreal lifestyle, which includes partying with beautiful, half-naked women, firing guns, and traveling to exotic locations via private yachts and jets.
The 33-year-old, who estimates his net worth at around $100 million, was on “The Howard Stern Show” Tuesday to promote his role in the movie “The Equalizer,” which is due out in September.

But mostly they just talked about Bilzerian’s incredible life.
Bilzerian comes from a wealthy family — his father was once estimated to be worth $400 million and made his money as a corporate takeover guy following a successful run in the military and schooling at elite universities such as Stanford and Harvard business school. Bilzerian, like his father, did not finish high school and entered the military. He actually spent 510 days in Navy SEAL training before being kicked out two days before graduation.
The 510 days in SEAL training was spent over two stints. Bilzerian says the first stint did not go well because he entered with a stress fracture, and the second time he got a safety violation.
Because he moved around a lot in high school and was training so much with the SEALs, Bilzerian did not experience the sexual fun that he has now. And he’s more than made up for it since.

“I didn’t get laid a lot in high school and I didn’t get laid a lot in the SEAL training, and I think that’s why afterwards I kind of put an emphasis on it,” Bilzerian told Stern.
Bilzerian doesn’t have stats on the amount of women he’s slept with, but he recalls sleeping with 14 girls in his first semester of college (following the military), and he says he’s been with as many as four women in the same night.
During a recent trip to Cannes, Bilzerian says he slept with 16 girls in 12 days.
“It was strong, very strong,” Bilzerian says of his sexual run. “My standards are high.”
Surprisingly, Bilzerian has not slept with a celebrity.
“It’s not that I won’t, it’s just that I feel like they’re a pain in the (rear). They’re not usually as hot as the girls I’m hanging out with. And they’re headcases; they have like the entitlement thing.”
Despite having so many women wanting him, he has had girlfriends and had one as recently as a few days ago. However, the girls have to deal with sharing him because he sleeps with multiple girls frequently. He even told Stern that the night before his interview on the show, he was with a girl whose name he didn’t even remember.
“Marriage is definitely not something that I’d want right now,” said Bilzerian when asked. “I’m a gambler and I don’t want to bet half my net worth that I’ll love her forever.”
Though being a professional gambler sounds like a lot of fun, Bilzerian would not recommend it.
Head to Page 2 to read about Bilzerian on poker and gambling.