Marshawn Lynch showed up to MetLife Stadium for Super Bowl XLVIII representing his trademark phrase “Beast Mode.” The Seattle Seahawks running back was wearing a red hoodie with the phrase “Beast Mode” on the front, and he had his face covered as you can see because of the cold weather.
Though “beast” or “beast mode” is frequently used as an adjective to describe a player who is performing well and like an animal, Lynch is the first athlete I’ve known who had the nickname. In fact, he has two registered trademarks to use the term on hats and clothing, and he has two more trademarks pending for it, according to Darren Rovell.
Lynch is also very picky about what companies or designs he allows to license the term. He typically makes 20 percent of sales in a royalty fee and approves every design. He approved a T-shirt design by Aaron Rodgers’ brother, Luke, whose company sold “Beast Mode” T-shirts at a store in Seattle:

Lynch also approved Joe Montana’s wife Jennifer to sell “Beast Mode” necklaces for $124 each.

Who knew Beast Mode could be so profitable for Lynch? He sure has done a lot of work with it. Just wait til you see what happens with the nickname if he wins the Super Bowl.