Delanie Walker was put on blast by his fiancee, Racine Lewin, on Saturday night.
We don’t know for sure if the Tennessee Titans tight end has been cheating on Lewin, but she somehow got the impression that he has been. How do we know? Because Lewin, who says she is four months pregnant with Walker’s child, hacked into Walker’s Instagram account on Saturday and ripped him a new one.
“This is my girlfriend/fiancee of 10 years. Her name is Racine,” Lewin wrote in a rant that has since been deleted, according to UPROXX Sports. “I broke up with her just a few days ago, like I do every February because I have no self control in the off season. I’m a ‘celebrity’ and she no longer looks good enough for my ‘image’ while I’m not playing football. She’s also 4 months pregnant so I figured it was the perfect time to take advantage of her.

“I’ve been canoodling around Nashville like a whore telling everyone that I’m single even though we planned this child and have been asking her to marry me for the past 5 years. I led her to believe that I’m trustworthy, when really I’m a huge liar who does tricks like a dog for any sort of attention at others expense because I only care about myself and my ‘image.’
“I’m just on this ride called life to see what all I can get instead of valuing what I have. I value the opinion of other females more than hers, and for some reason Racine won’t marry me. … Guess it’s because I’m just too good looking. Oh well…I sent her 4 dozen roses today, hope that cheers her up. We’ll see.
“All jokes aside, surprise Delanie you are having a girl. Congratulations… Love, Racine.”
We’ll give you a second to let all of that sink in.
Lewin posted a follow-up message on her own Instagram account on Sunday morning and said hacking Walker’s account was “out of my character.” She said she does not want her daughter to think it is normal to be disrespected by a man.
Is Walker going to have to pull a Nick Young now to get his girl back? Time will tell.
Photo: Instagram/Racine Lewin