Kyle Long weighs in on NFL’s policy about snitching on PED users
The NFL has a little-known policy regarding performance-enhancing drug use that allows players who test positive to have their suspensions reduced if they snitch on someone else who is using or providing banned substances, but there’s a reason most people have never heard of it.
Players are extremely unlikely to utilize it.
The policy, which was highlighted by Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk, states that the, “NFL Management Council may, prior to the conclusion of a Player’s appeal, reduce the length of the suspension and corresponding bonus forfeiture by up to 50 percent when the Player has provided full and complete assistance (including hearing testimony if required) to the Management Council which results in the finding of an additional violation of the Policy by another Player, coach, trainer or other person subject to this Policy.”
In other words, a four-game suspension could be reduced to two games if a player goes on the record with information about another PED user or supplier. According to Chicago Bears offensive lineman Kyle Long, no player would ever want to be considered a rat.
“I ain’t gonna lie chief this s— ain’t happenin,” Long wrote in a tweet on Thursday.
We’ve seen plenty of players — most recently Julian Edelman — play dumb when addressing their PED suspensions, but it’d be hard to gain the trust of teammates if you’re willing to rat someone out for your own benefit. Players who were busted for PEDs know ultimately that it was their responsibility. Unless someone is actually drugged and has evidence to support it, we can almost guarantee there will be no snitching.