LaRon Landry is freakishly ripped (Pictures)
LaRon Landry’s Twitter account is loaded with pictures of two things: food he eats, and topless shots of his ripped body. Judging by the picture above, he spends a heck of a lot more time working out than he does feasting.
Look at how freaking yoked he is. His biceps are three times the size of my neck and twice the size of my head. You could tattoo a portrait of Yokozuna on that thing and still have room to spare. Even his forearm is huge. I bet he could forearm curl more than I can leg press.
Not long after the picture was posted and began making the rounds, Landry defended himself saying the picture was not photoshopped and that he is not on the juice. What’s sad is all those muscles didn’t help when Landry got trucked by Brandon Jacobs in 2008.
Here’s another shot of Landry where he actually looks like a reasonable human being (albeit still ripped):
See folks, with only about 10,000 hours in the gym and a god-gifted body, you too can look that huge!
Picture Credits: Brad Burris, Laron Landry via DC Sports Bog