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Larry Brown Sports Tagline. Brown Bag it, Baby.
#pounditFriday, February 7, 2025

Peyton Manning on phone during Super Bowl sparks great meme

Peyton Manning phone

When FOX showed Peyton Manning using the phone on the Denver Broncos’ sidelines during the Super Bowl on Sunday, they probably had no idea that they were launching a meme. But that’s exactly what happened.

Denver struggled through the first quarter of the game, which was only a sign of what was to come. The Broncos were down 8-0 to the Seattle Seahawks and only had 11 yards in the entire first quarter. Their possessions went like this: safety, 3-and-out, interception. Peyton picked up the phone like he usually does whether the team is doing well or poorly. He mostly likely talked to the team’s offensive coaches up in the coaches’ box for some advice.

Instead, folks on the internet had a fun time putting their own spin on Manning’s phone call:

Ouch! The internet can be a cruel place and loves to kick a man when they’re down.