Running back Rashard Mendenhall was already well known to football fans before the weekend. After bin Laden was killed and Mendenhall made controversial comments about his death on his twitter account, he became infamous amongst non-sports fans.
For nearly a 24-hour span on Tuesday, Mendenhall’s name was atop Google’s chart for most searched term. That’s probably not the way he wanted to become known, but it’s what happened. And now that he’s been roundly criticized and hammered by the public and even his owners, he’s taken to his blog to try and clarify things. Here’s what he wrote:
“I see how [my twitted posts] have gotten misconstrued, and wanted to use this outlet as a way to clear up all things that do not truthfully represent myself, what I stand for personally, and any organization that I am a part of.
First, I want people to understand that I am not in support of Bin Laden, or against the USA. I understand how devastating 9/11 was to this country and to the people whose families were affected. Not just in the US, but families all over the world who had relatives in the World Trade Centers. My heart goes out to the troops who fight for our freedoms everyday, not being certain if they will have the opportunity to return home, and the families who watch their loved ones bravely go off to war. Last year, I was grateful enough to have the opportunity to travel over seas and participate in a football camp put on for the children of US troops stationed in Germany. It was a special experience. These events have had a significant impact in my life.
“What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side…”
This controversial statement was something I said in response to the amount of joy I saw in the event of a murder. I don’t believe that this is an issue of politics or American pride; but one of religion, morality, and human ethics. In the bible, Ezekiel 33:11 states, “Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways!…”. I wasn’t questioning Bin Laden’s evil acts. I believe that he will have to face God for what he has done. I was reflecting on our own hypocrisy. During 9/11 we watched in horror as parts of the world celebrated death on our soil. Earlier this week, parts of the world watched us in horror celebrating a man’s death.
Nothing I said was meant to stir up controversy. It was my way to generate conversation. In looking at my timeline in its entirety, everything that I’ve said is with the intent of expressing a wide array of ideas and generating open and honest discussions, something I believe we as American citizens should be able to do. Most opinions will not be fully agreed upon and are not meant to be. However, I believe every opinion should be respected or at least given some thought. I apologize for the timing as such a sensitive matter, but it was not meant to do harm. I apologize to anyone I unintentionally harmed with anything that I said, or any hurtful interpretation that was made and put in my name.
It was only meant to encourage anyone reading it to think.
First off, suggesting he was just trying to promote discussion is absurd. Who does he think he is, Rashard Limbaugh? Second of all, his b.s. clarification doesn’t address his most controversial tweet — the one where he said he didn’t believe an airplane took out the World Trade Centers. What happened, Rashard, you miss that day in history class? Were you not alive to see the towers go down? Did you think that was all filmed on some Universal Studios back lot? That was the controversial tweet, and he didn’t even address it. It was simply ignorant and there is no possible defense for it. Furthermore, it upsets me that he took the time to write a clarification that didn’t even address that aspect. Does he really think we’re that dumb? Come on Rashard, that just makes you look even worse. If you weren’t going to explain that part you shouldn’t have bothered to write anything at all.