The fact that we live in a world where a few strokes of a keypad can change the entire perception of a person never ceases to amaze me. With social media tools like Twitter at their disposal, athletes and celebrities like Rashard Mendenhall can destroy their public image in less than 140 characters. The ease of the task does not, however, excuse what Mendenhall had to say on his Twitter account Monday night.
After witnessing acts like Phillies fans celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden and college students taking to the streets to party upon hearing the news, Mendenhall decided to share his thoughts on 9/11 and the man who was almost certainly responsible for the attacks.
“What kind of person celebrates death?” Mendenhall tweeted. “It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side…”
While most of us disagree with that, I suppose it isn’t that bad if you are someone who believes in forgiveness and is against death as a form of punishment. Fair enough, but what Mendenhall wrote next is truly mind-boggling.
“@dkeller23 We’ll never know what really happened,” he tweeted at Illinois basketball player Dominique Keller in response to Keller saying he is not convinced bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks. “I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”
Wow. In summary, not only does Mendenhall believe you are a bad person for wanting bin Laden dead, but he also thinks it was something other than airplanes that caused the Twin Towers to crumble to the ground in New York City. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is a perfect example of why some of them are best kept to ourselves.
Bonus Topic: Relationships and Oral Sex
Allow us to switch gears for a moment. If Mendenhall’s tweets about 9/11 weren’t entertaining enough for you, perhaps you will enjoy his thoughts about relationships.
“Women, if you don’t #respect your man, someone else will,” said Mendenhall to his enlightened followers before the tweets about 9/11. “Going down on your man IS optional. It’s either gonna be you, OR some other chick #choosewisely.”
“Whenever you see a man and wonder ‘why’s he with her?’ it’s cuz she do things that you won’t! #NASTY”
Did this guy just become a moron or has he always been one? Did I miss something? I suppose it doesn’t make a difference.