Rush Limbaugh Defends Donovan McNabb Against Bernard Hopkins Comments
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh caused a controversy in 2003 when as an analyst, he said the media wanted to see Donovan McNabb succeed because he was black. The comment itself was an observation that cannot be deemed right or wrong because there’s no way to quantify his argument. However, I believe McNabb was portrayed well by the media because he was good, not because they wanted to see a black quarterback succeed. Now Limbaugh has amazingly come to McNabb’s defense at a time when he’s taking heat from boxer Bernard Hopkins who says McNabb is not black enough.
Here’s what Limbaugh said on his show Friday according to a transcription SB Nation Chicago found, via Pro Football Talk:
This is just the latest in what has been a long line of attacks on Donovan McNabb from black individuals and organizations. There’s a black preacher in Philadelphia that dumped all over McNabb for not being black enough. I think the local NAALCP chapter in Philadelphia might have weighed in at some point. Now this guy, Bernard Hopkins, says McNabb’s not black enough — and you know what the argument is? Here’s what it is. They have accused — and I can’t use the term. It’s a purely totally unacceptable term, but they refer to McNabb by using the N-word, and they say he’s a sellout; that McNabb befriends the white power brokers of the Eagles.
Limbaugh is correct — in 2005 the Philadelphia president of the NAACP criticized McNabb for not running the ball enough. Apparently to him, that was another sign of McNabb selling out on his “blackness,” as stupid as that argument is.
Limbaugh also actually makes sense here. He’s right that here has been a long line of attacks on Donovan McNabb. Up until this past season, attacks against his performance on the field haven’t really been justified considering how well he’s played. All along, attacks against his personality and behavior have been unwarranted for the most part.
Who would have ever figured that of all people, Rush Limbaugh would be a voice of reason in this situation? That in itself is insane.
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