This Beautiful Body Took Steroids?
Imagine my surprise to come across this story today … apparently Terry Bradshaw told Dan Patrick last week that he took steroids. And no, it wasn’t to get his body in shape for his bucknekked soliloquy in Failure to Launch, either. The interview, which you can hear on at SI’s website (who says they’re not getting their money’s worth from DP?), revolves mainly around the difference in medical care from now to when Bradshaw played. He talked about how players used to play with concussions, saying that many athletes would never have been cleared to play in today’s day. That pretty much led into this comment:
“We did steroids to get away the aches and the speed of healing,” Bradshaw said. “My use of steroids from a doctor was to speed up injury, and thought nothing of it. … It was to speed up the healing process, that was it. It wasn’t to get bigger and stronger and faster.”
Bradshaw said the the guys would get the steroids injected by the doctors. And coming from a guy who couldn’t spell cat if you spotted him the “C” and the “A,” I don’t doubt that he didn’t realize the steroids were making him stronger. Also, after hearing the interview, I think Jim Haslett is vindicated from his comments that the 70s Steelers popularized steroids in the NFL. Maybe now the Rooney’s should send him an apology.