Tim Tebow heckled by Jets fans at training camp
It didn’t take long for Tim Tebow to feel the wrath of cynical Jets fans. The Jets opened practice to the public for the first time in training camp on Saturday. And after a handful of snaps in offensive team drills, it became clear Tebow and his arm aren’t winning anybody over. Here’s The Star-Ledger, via Pro Football Talk:
Later, during the 11-on-11 team period, Tebow received a few more jeers. On one play when he held onto the ball for too long, a couple fans called for him to “Throw it, Tebow!” Later, on a shaky incompletion, they called out, “Tebow, come on!” and “That’s a Tebow ball!”
What kind of ludicrous expectations did these fans have? We’re not even a week into training camp, so I don’t know what they were thought they were going to see, especially because Tebow is hardly known for his passing acumen. Plus, Tebow’s going to be on special teams anyway (maybe). Is Tebow that much fun to hate, even for Jets fans?
Anyway, we all know the mood will change when Mark Sanchez stinks it up during the season. And then those fans once heckling Tebow will end up preferring him. That’s sports.
Photo: Rich Barnes-US PRESSWIRE