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#pounditFriday, September 27, 2024

Tramon Williams shoves referee (GIF)

Tramon Williams refereeTramon Williams took some frustration out on a referee during the fourth quarter of the Detroit Lions’ beatdown of the Green Bay Pacers on Thanksgiving.

After Joique Bell scored on a 1-yard touchdown run to make it 33-10, Williams shoved a referee. It was a total jerk move by Williams and appeared to be done out of frustration. He was hit with a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, meaning the Lions kicked off from midfield.

FOX officiating expert Mike Pereira explained why Williams wasn’t ejected:

Who knows? Maybe Williams will be a hit with a small fine for that dumb act.

What a pathetic showing by the Lions defense. They didn’t get ANY help from the Packers offense, but that defense stunk too.

GIF via GIFD Sports


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