Commenter SpinMax emails in with this story about Travis Henry, who apparently is giving Shawn Kemp a run for his money as the newest punchline when it comes to fathering kids out of wedlock. As you read in the headline, Henry has fathered nine kids to nine different women in four different states. Luckily for Henry, he was signed to a five-year deal with $12 million guaranteed, meaning he should have no problem paying the child support. Or so you would think.
[Judge Clarence] Seeliger wrote that the football player displayed “bad judgment in his spending habits,” dropping $100,000 for a car and $146,000 for jewelry. Meanwhile, Henry fell behind on support payments for his child with [Jameshia] Beacham that were mandated by a previous order. Threatened with jail, he borrowed $9,800 from his former team, the Tennessee Titans, to pay the bill, according to court records.
[Henry’s lawyer Shiel] Edlin, though, said Henry collected much less than $1 million after taxes, and he said much of it went to debts. “He doesn’t have any money,” Edlin said. “The guy has significant financial issues.”
I know what you all are thinking — you’d love to have the type of financial issues that come from signing a multi-million dollar contract, right? Yeah, me too. But just goes to show — don’t be a fool, wrap your tool. OK?