Washington law enforcement and the NFL are very much at odds over the handling of the Josh Brown investigation.
King County Sheriff John Urquhart spoke to KIRO in Seattle on Thursday in light of the NFL’s assertion that they were denied further information by his office. Urquhart maintained that league investigators never even told his office that they were investigating on behalf of the NFL.
“NFL, National Football League, he could have [said] any of that,” Urquhart said, via ESPN. “Robert Agnew, Comcast.net, post office box in Woodinville. We had no idea who this yokel is.

“Nowhere on the request does he say that [Agnew] works for the NFL and so, we don’t know that it’s the NFL and we’re not gonna give it out anyway, so we denied it.”
Urquhart said that NFL investigators who did state as much failed because they did not go through proper procedure to get information, and would have had more success if they had.
“I would have said exactly the same thing, ‘We cannot release the case file,'” Urquhart said. “But since this is a hot-button item in the NFL, since it’s the NFL, we probably would have told them orally a little bit more about what we had. I don’t like to get pushed around by a bully.”
On Thursday, the NFL blamed the sheriff’s office for not disclosing further information in the case that has put the league in a potentially embarrassing situation. Sheriff Urquhart is clearly not having that excuse.