Lynn Camp High School basketball head coach Tyler Wagner resigned this week after multiple videos, recorded by his players in the locker room, showed him giving the team a speech that included some naughty words.
Wagner was ripping into his players for their losing ways and lack of effort, explaining that they didn’t want to win as much as their opponents. His crime was the colorful language.
In the videos, which were published on Facebook and shared nearly 4,000 times, Wagners can be heard cursing at least a dozen times, dropping f-bombs and saying the word “ass.”

The horror.
In a Wednesday statement, Wagner confirmed his resignation and offered up an apology for his comments, which were made during the 2023 fall season.
“The language that I used in this video is not acceptable in any manner. I allowed the competitive environment to get the best of me and for that I am truly sorry,” he wrote. “I have fully accepted that what I did was not right, and I pledge to be better.”
Why it took nearly a year for the videos to surface is unclear but Knox County schools spokesperson Frank Shelton said officials had been “informed of a situation showing a coach inappropriately discussing issues with players. We are unable to discuss specific personnel matters. The coach has since voluntarily resigned from the position.”
Wagner was hired as head coach in May 2023 and his resignation comes just over a month before Lynn Camp’s first regular season game on December 2.
A head coach cursing in the locker room? Wild. It’s like seeing Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. Or maybe not so much.