TJ Quinn at the New York Daily News has been absolutely killing the scene when it comes to steroids and amphetamines investigations. I mean this guy is all over these stories. His latest suggests that the grand jury is close to indicting Barry Bonds (probably for charges of perjury). I just got done posting that at FanHouse, so take a look.
This is something I’ve been expecting for quite some time. Doesn’t it all make sense now why Bud Selig has kept his mouth shut about his plans to be in attendance for 756? He was just biding his time, waiting to see if the indictment would come first. Want to know why? Because he plans to suspend Bonds — who would be under investigation for knowingly taking steroids — if he gets indicted. That’s why Bud hasn’t opened his mouth. He was just waiting to see the progress of the grand jury. This would make quite the off-season. The absolute trifecta: Vick, Bonds, and NBA ref Donaghy. Fantastic.