Shortly after Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin went for a career-high 38 points to beat the Lakers Friday night, writer Jason Whitlock sent this tweet:

Whitlock may be able to spin the tweet since no names were named, but nearly everyone who saw it viewed it as a racist joke about Asian penises made against Jeremy Lin.
For someone whose entire writing schtick is based on stirring the racial pot, that was about the dumbest thing he could have said. It will be interesting to see if he gets reprimanded for the tweet, spins it, or apologizes for it. No matter how you view it, Whitlock’s credibility on racial issues just took a major hit. I thought Whitlock preached that we shouldn’t deal in stereotypes, right?
The next day, Whitlock wrote this apology for his joke.
Since then, MSG, ESPN mobile, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and now Stefon Diggs have ventured into the racially offensive areas concerning Lin.