ESPN’s Scott Van Pelt has COVID-19, shares his symptoms
Scott Van Pelt announced on Thursday that he will not be hosting his usual “SportsCenter” program due to a positive COVID-19 test.
The ESPN host got tested after saying he lost his sense of taste and smell. The test came back positive, which has led him to step away from hosting for the time being.
Won’t be doing shows for a bit after a positive Covid-19 test. Thankfully, no fever & I feel fine. Just can’t smell or taste anything which was my clue to go get a test.
So, I will hunker down and hopefully can be back at it before too long.
— Scott Van Pelt (@notthefakeSVP) December 17, 2020
Although he has lost his sense of taste and smell, he says he does not have a fever and that he is feeling fine.
Since he is feeling fine, some asked why he wouldn’t continue to host his show.
“I work for a company. I respect the rules they have,” he wrote back in response. “There were no protocols regarding working with those symptoms. I’m not going to argue you about any of this. I don’t want, or need, your sympathy. I’ll be back when I’m negative.”
Van Pelt tweeted a few times about the Chargers-Raiders Thursday night game. He said that his time at home would “be boring.”
Van Pelt, 54, has been at ESPN since 2001. He is highly regarded for his relatability and genuine personality, which comes through in exchanges.