Hannah Storm’s grill explosion burn injuries were graphic (Pictures)
Hannah Storm returned to work on New Year’s Day after a three-week absence to recover from severe burn injuries following a freak propane grill explosion at her home.
Storm was part of ABC’s telecast of the Rose Parade Tuesday, and she shared her story of the incident. ABC also showed graphic images of the injuries Storm sustained.
Storm sustained second-degree burns on her chest and hands, and first-degree burns on her face and neck. She lost her eyebrows, eyelashes, and roughly half her hair in the explosion.
Storm says the explosion was so violent, a neighbor literally thought a tree crashed into his roof.
Storm nearly began crying as she retold the tale.
“It is a long, hard road for burn victims,” Storm said. “I was by far the most fortunate person in my burn unit.”
Storm says she was wearing false eye lashes and hair when she appeared on ABC Tuesday. She looked great, and we hope she is able to make a full recovery from such an awful incident. We also encourage you to watch the video to learn how to avoid such an accident when you’re using a propane grill.
Below are more photos of the injuries she sustained: