Cain Velasquez beat Brock Lesnar at UFC 121 to win the heavyweight title. Velasquez was the fan favorite fighting in front of a Mexican crowd in Anaheim, California. Cain came out to some Mariachi music and wasted little time taking it straight to the defending champ. The match didn’t even last a full round as Velasquez beat up a stunned and dizzied Brock Lesnar.
Luckily for you, the LBS crew was on hand for the fight to bring you the atmosphere at the Honda Center. From the ring entrances to the fan reaction after Cain’s win, describing Anaheim as electric is an understatement. See for yourself in this video from the Cain Velasquez-Brock Lesnar fight at UFC 121 and check out the full fight recap at the LBS twitter page: