The World Cup officials once again made their best attempt at costing the United States a game. Luckily, they were unsuccessful. Referee Koman Coulibaly cost the Americans a game last week against Slovenia and has since been demoted. It almost happened again on Wednesday, but team U.S.A. was able to score in stoppage time to beat Algeria and secure a spot in the knockout round. Had they not scored, the game probably would have ended in a tie. With the way the England vs. Slovenia game went, it would have taken a miracle for the U.S. to advance if they played to another tie. Check out the video of the World Cup refs blowing an offside call that cost Clint Dempsey and the United States a goal:
If you know anything about the rules of soccer, you know that play isn’t even close. If not for Landon Donovan’s goal in stoppage time to give the U.S. a 1-0 victory, the officials would have faced epic backlash following the match. But he did score, and because of that the Americans are moving through to the next round and have won their group for the first time since 1930. Here’s the video of Landon Donovan’s stoppage time goal:
If you believe in momentum, this turn of a events has to be an enormous confidence boost for the U.S. heading forward.
Video Credit: YouTube user waresh12 for both videos