Bernard Tomic is denying a rift with his father despite being caught on video asking a chair umpire to remove John Tomic from his match Saturday in Miami.
Tomic lost to David Ferrer 6-4, 6-4 in the second round of the Sony Ericsson Open. His father was shown by TV cameras watching the match from the stands in disgust. During the sixth game of the second set, Tomic can be seen motioning with his racquet to tell his father to go away. After the game, Tomic approaches the umpire during the side change and asks chair umpire Cedric Mourier to remove his father for being “annoying.”
Here’s how the exchange went, as transcribed by The Daily Telegraph:
“He’s annoying – I know he’s my father – but he’s annoying me,” Bernard tells Mourier.
“I want him to leave but how’s that possible?”
Mourier replies: “If you tell him to leave.”
Bernard Tomic: “It’s not gonna happen. If you see him (coaching), tell him to be quiet.”
Mourier: “He (John Tomic) knows already. I caught him (coaching) already.”
Mourier then issues a code violation warning for illegal coaching, prompting Bernard to say “thanks”.
Even though there was a clear issue, Tomic denies a problem with his father, who doubles as his coach.
“There’s no problem, I just wanted my racquets restrung,” he said. “There’s nothing in it.”
This is not the first time Tomic’s father created an issue at one of his son’s matches. In 2009, John Tomic apologized for ordering his son off the court for not trying hard enough during a match.
Yup, we’ve told you many times before that tennis parents can be among the most controlling. Don’t you remember this crazy story and this one?
H/T Busted Racquet