It wasn’t long ago that I was raving about Martina Hingis upon seeing her play at Wimbledon, calling her an underrated hottie. Now, a matter of mere months later, as many of you have emailed in the news, Martina Hingis is retiring from tennis rather than fight the positive test for cocaine at Wimbledon. It’s hard to know what to make of this news. First of all, Hingis’ days on the tour were already numbered anyway; she was never the same since returning from her first hiatus. She was probably headed for retirement soon no matter what. But what about the cocaine?
Is Martina Hingis simply a druggie ala Garrett Reid? Is it possible she was snorting blow for a buzz on the court? Could her lame as Floyd Landis “my urine was mixed up” excuse actually be true? I’m guessing numero uno — that was Jennifer Capriati’s issue, too. Whatever the reason, I don’t want to know. It’s a sad exit for Martina Hingis, and a crappy way to end what had been an excellent career. At her peak, Hingis was one of the best the game had ever seen with only injuries slowing her down. Only 10 years ago, Martina won three of the four grand slams, reaching the finals in the other. This is a crappy way to go out, if I’ve ever seen one. Martina, you will be missed.