Rick Porcello won the A.L. Cy Young Award on Wednesday by beating out Justin Verlander, who got significantly more first-place votes than the Boston Red Sox ace. How does Verlander’s fiancee feel about that?
Not good. Not good at all.
After the results were announced, Kate Upton took to Twitter to unload on Porcello and the voters.

Upton then retweeted some stats that Verlander’s brother Ben, who also felt Justin got cheated, shared.
Are you kidding me? Most first place votes and doesn't win? #SaltyYoungerBrother Explain this.. pic.twitter.com/RpEb4PPrME
— Ben Verlander (@Verly32) November 16, 2016
The Baseball Writers of America Association weighs votes on a points system. Though Porcello received just eight first-place votes to Verlander’s 14, he got 18 second-place votes and finished in the top three on 28 of 30 ballots.
Upton is right to be angry about Verlander being left off of two ballots from Tampa Bay writers, as the right-hander finished with a 16-9 record and 3.04 ERA, which was second-best in the A.L. Verlander led the league with 254 strikeouts.
That’s probably the most animated we have seen Upton, and if you saw her recent rant about national anthem protests you know that is saying a lot. Verlander may not have won the Cy Young, but at least he gets to go home to a nice consolation prize.