A fan was ejected from the Rangers-Angels game on Wednesday night for causing a disturbance in the outfield seats, and the entire ordeal irritated Angels announcer Victor Rojas who providing hilarious commentary.
The fan was sitting to the right of center field and was addressed by an usher at the urging of third-base umpire Tim Reynolds during the top of the 10th inning. The fan was waving a Texas state flag and also operating his camera with the flash on, and he was told to stop doing both.
The fan seemed to view everything as a joke at first, but the umpire didn’t find his refusal to remove the flag to be very funny. After being warned, the fan hung the flag over the railing and the umpire pointed out to center field again, this time resulting in the fan’s ejection.
“Explain to your kids on the drive home why you got kicked out,” said Rojas, embodying the feelings of annoyed spectators everywhere.
Served the fan right that he missed the Rangers’ impressive comeback in the bottom of the inning. What a dunce.