Delonte West was arrested in 2009 for carrying enough firearms on his motorcycle to support a small militia. He initially faced six weapons charges but took a plea deal to avoid serious punishment. Apparently part of the plea deal means a judge approves where West works and lives. Because of that, West supposedly was prevented from heading overseas to play basketball.
As I am a GM pointed out to us, West tweeted about having his plans denied.
“It’s official.. Pride to the side.. just filled out a application at Home Depot.. Lockout ain’t a game,” he tweeted Thursday. “Can’t even go get that overseas money. Judge said it’s a no go on leaving the country.”
An athlete being held accountable for his actions and being prevented from doing what he wants to? That’s a new one. Good for the judge. Who really wants Delonte taking his uzi-filled guitar cases overseas anyway? As if we don’t already have a bad enough reputation among foreign countries, the last thing we would need is West getting into fights with teammates abroad the way he has here.