Kenny Smith decided to pull a LeBron James on “Inside the NBA” Thursday, and the King himself appreciated it.
During Wednesday’s Cavaliers-Knicks game, LeBron got frustrated with the sleeved jerseys the league made the teams wear, and he went Incredible Hulk in ripping off the sleeves. Smith decided to do his version of the sleeve rip during Thursday’s show:
Kenny Smith attempted the @KingJames "rip the sleeves" trick with his shirt, and he may need to hit the gym pic.twitter.com/dBwoQkymyR
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) November 6, 2015

James was watching on TV and tweeted his appreciation of Kenny’s actions:
Hahahaha! Man u boys on @NBAonTNT hilarious. Oh ok Kenny, thought u was my boy! Hahaha. I didn't know u was tatted though. Hahaha
— LeBron James (@KingJames) November 6, 2015
LeBron later conceded that his issues with the sleeved jersey could be mental.