Alligators are a known problem on Florida golf courses. I know this because I have golfed there many times, and the groundskeepers and course managers always warn my friends and I ahead of time to stay away from water hazards and not try to retrieve our ball. Otherwise, you might lose a hand.
That’s nothing. LBS contributor Sam called our attention to an Australia golf course with creatures in its water hazard unlike any other in the world. This particular body of water, which is featured at Carbrook Golf Club in Queensland, is ridden with roughly 30 live, man-eating bull sharks. Check it out:
If you think I’m making an assumption when I call the sharks “man-eating,” think again. Perhaps these particular sharks have yet to enjoy their first human as an entree, but any list of the world’s deadliest sharks will tell you that these bad boys sit right atop the food chain. Bull sharks are the only known shark species that can function normally in fresh and salt water, which as you can imagine leads to ambushes on innocent swimmers.
Club officials speculate that the sharks were washed into the lake during a flood in the 1990s and also said some of them are up to 10 feet long. The general manager of the club feeds them chicken, so obviously he doesn’t mind them being there. In fact, I would guess it’s a major draw for the course so he’s happy to house them. Am I saying one of these fish will jump out of the water and bite your hand off if you go near the lake? Probably not, but you certainly wouldn’t want to lose your balance and fall in the water.