Three weeks after Serena Williams celebrated winning a gold medal at the Olympics by doing a gangster dance, her impromptu jig is still a topic of conversation. The only difference is that Williams no longer wants to address it.
Asked by a U.S. Open reporter if she had any regrets about doing the celebratory “Crip Walk,” (which was technically actually a blood walk), Williams essentially told the reporter to talk to the hand.
“First of all, it was just a dance,” she said, via Reuters. “I didn’t know that’s what it was called. Second, why are you asking me that? Like that’s so … I mean, if anything you should be trying to ask me questions to lift me up, not bring up such things. I’m done with that question.”
I don’t recall lifting up athletes being part of the media’s job, but I guess we can agree to disagree on that point.
Williams also says she wasn’t aware of the criticism she received for the dance.
“I read zero press,” Williams said. “That has been my policy since I was 17. I don’t know what was made too much of or whether it was too little. I think winning the Olympics was awesome for me and for the USA.”
I’m surprised Williams’ nose didn’t grow based on that response. Like we’re buying it.
All talk about the role of the media aside — and I can assure you Serena, it’s not the press’ job to build you up — this C-Walk nonsense has gone way too far. As I said in my original post on the matter, Williams seemed to be doing the dance as a fun-spirited celebration, not because she wanted to share a worldwide message that she endorses murders, robberies, beatings, and anything else associated with gang life. The media should act accordingly and let the matter go.