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Larry Brown Sports Tagline. Brown Bag it, Baby.
#pounditThursday, December 19, 2024

Barry Bonds has slimmed down quite a bit in his retirement (Picture)

Barry Bonds has had as many changes to his body type throughout the years as Joan Rivers has had to her face. When he came into the league in 1986, Bonds was the kid you see above to the far left. He was a speed demon who could track down almost any ball hit to the outfield and turn a single into a double without breaking a sweat. When he broke Hank Aaron’s home run record in 2007, he was the monster you see in the middle. Believe it or not, the guy you see to the far right is also Bonds.

That’s right, Barry has dropped a few pounds in retirement. He must be doing quite a bit of bike riding and exercising. Either that or he has cut junk food out of his diet. Or maybe he pulled a Charles Barkley and got into Weight Watchers. Or perhaps Bonds was on a certain something during the latter part of his career and he no longer uses that certain something.

Since he got off easy in his perjury case, all we can really do is speculate at this point. All we know is that a simple glance at the photos above shows you that Bonds went from skinny to massive and then back to skinny. There was a point in time where Bonds turned into the Incredible Hulk, and the prosecution in the perjury case tried to use his changes in head and foot size as proof that the former Giants slugger lied to the court.

Recently, Bonds has spent his time doing good deeds and has tried to change the way people feel about him by dropping the villain act. For those purposes, getting off the juice may have served him well. Skinny, cycling Barry looks like a much nicer Barry.

Photos via Fox Sports


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