On the bright side: that’s better than a blister problem, right? For pitchers, blisters can be a recurring thing and stick around for an entire season or career. Fortunately for Brewers pitcher Chris Narveson, cutting yourself with a pair of scissors is not likely to be an injury that will stay with you for an extended period of time — granted you learn how to use them properly.
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Narveson will miss at least one start after slicing his thumb with a pair of scissors while trying to fix some laces on his glove. The wound required eight stitches, which is a good amount for a single finger.
“I was just fixing my glove,” he explained. “I guess the screw on the end of the thing between the scissors was sticking through the bolt a little bit, I had my thumb up there and ran it across. Next thing, I look down and I’ve got a gash in my thumb. The doctor was here and he was able to come up and stitch it up right away, so we got it taken care of. Now, it’s how fast can you heal?
Weird injuries happen all across sports, but for some reason they seem to be most entertaining in baseball. If you recall, Alcides Escobar once missed a spring training game because a bug bit him. Scott Downs suffered a broken toe because he was horsing around with his kids. Carlos Zambrano needs to learn how to position himself while watching late night TV. And we all remember the run-in Chris Dickerson had with a revolving door. Perhaps these guys are a bit more fragile than the rest?
Thanks to Hardball Talk for the story.