An ugly week for MLB announcers continued on Saturday night when Houston Astros color analyst Geoff Blum got caught dropping an expletive on a hot mic.
The infraction came in between innings when Blum thought the broadcast was still in a commercial break.

NSFW warning: There are expletives in the below video.
Geoff Blum, confirmed loves Crawford Bocks #LevelUp
— Barstool Houston (@HtownBarstool) April 17, 2022
“Yeah, you better believe we’re going to Crawford Bock the [expletive] out of this thing,” Blum said in reference to the beer, which is a play on the Crawford Boxes in the outfield at Minute Maid Park.
Blum, who spent five season with the Astros over two stints, was quick to apologize for his transgression.
My apologies for the hot mic moment, i can get a little spicy in between innings! 😬🍺
— Blummer Bock (@blummer27) April 17, 2022
Unlike the poor calls by John Sterling and Matt Vasgersian, which drew national attention this past week, Blum may actually be able to capitalize on his whoopsie. Not only was his comment very much t-shirt worthy, maybe he can even turn it into some sort of sponsorship deal with the Karbach Brewing Co. (creators of Crawford Bock).