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#pounditWednesday, December 18, 2024

Josh Reddick robs Michael Morse of two home runs (Video)

Josh-Reddick-spidermanOakland A’s outfielder Josh Reddick had what will likely be his best defensive game of the year on Wednesday, and it didn’t even count. Reddick made not one but two incredible catches to rob San Francisco Giants outfielder Michael Morse of a pair of home runs.

In the second inning, Morse hit a fly ball to right that appeared destined to land over the 10-foot wall. The only way Reddick could have taken the homer away is if he went into Spiderman mode and scaled the wall. That’s exactly what he did, and the same exact thing happened again when Morse came to the plate in the fourth. The two joked about it on Twitter after the game.

“I don’t know how I did it,” Reddick explained, via ABC News. “When I got to the fence and climbed it, I looked back and the ball was already two feet over my head. I was lucky enough to get my glove on it.”

Reddick has a knack for making amazing catches, only the last time he climbed the fence to rob an extra-base hit it happened during the regular season. What are the odds of him doing that twice, in the same spring training game, to the same opposing player? That was unbelievable.


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