He is just one of those once-in-a-generation players that we are lucky to have playing while we’re all fans. There’s nobody like him, and there probably won’t be anyone similar to him at any point in the future. From pointing to the ball to tell his teammate to get a gapper, to using the bathroom inside the Green Monster, to listening to music in the outfield on his iPod built into his customized sunglasses, Manny Being Manny may be the greatest gift to all baseball fans. And the gift that keeps on giving gave once again on Wednesday in Baltimore. Manny went deep into the left-center gap to track down a hard hit ball. He was running so fast that his momentum carried him to the wall where he did a Bo Jackson-style spiderman climb up the padding, only to high five a Red Sox as he climbed the wall. As if that wasn’t cool enough, he came back down and got the ball back into the infield in time to double up Aubrey Huff. A Manny Being Manny moment well worth your time:
Thanks to AA for the vid. I think what made that moment legendary was the fact that he got the double play after the high five. Ending the inning with a high five is cool, but the fact that he did it while the inning was still going on just makes it that much more awesome. Manny, just too funny.