Players going out and drinking after games is nothing new. Getting hammered after a game when you have another one the next day? That happens but it’s probably not a good idea — unless you’re David Wells. The trifecta though is getting hammered after a game, getting into a fight, and showing up for the next day with fresh cuts and bruises. Gordie Howe’s hat trick knows what I’m talking about.
Now we haven’t had anything confirmed yet, but there’s speculation that Miguel Cabrera was out drinking and that he got into a fight the night after Detroit lost to the White Sox on Friday. He went 0-for-4 in the game before the cuts and 0-for-4 on Saturday after getting the cuts. Jim Leyland didn’t say anything about it while Cabrera said the cuts came from his dog. Check out the pictures to take a look for yourself:

Cabrera clearly has a cut going down the side of his face from his left eye towards his nose which looks like it could be a dog paw scratch. He also seems to have some bruises and cuts on his lip which looks more like it would be the result of a punch to the face. I don’t know if it makes a difference either, but an email I received on my show from a Tigers season ticket holder said Cabrera was in a fight and had to be bailed out of jail. Maybe we’ll hear more about this story come out but there’s no doubt that Cabrera has let the team down the past two games.