If you’re a comedian who has killed over 100 deer in a season with your baseball manager buddy, you might be a redneck. Fortunately this is a tale involving Jeff Foxworthy, so it’s one of the few times where it’s safe to use arguably the corniest punchline in history. Foxworthy and Royals manager Ned Yost are hunting buddies, and they estimate that they killed roughly 127 deer together last year. America.
According to the Kansas City Star, Foxworthy owns a 3,000-acre piece of land that is just 18 miles from Yost’s Rising Stock Farm. The two are big hunting enthusiasts, and they make good use of their hobby. Yost says they killed around 27 deer on his property and another 100 or so on Foxworthy’s land this past hunting season. They clean, process, and butcher the deer themselves and then donate most of the meat to food banks and church groups. They even name some of the deer.
“You’ve got to be a special deer to get a name,” Yost said.
One was named “Bo” after Bo Jackson because Yost says he was elusive and difficult to catch. Several others that Yost and Foxworthy have named Herschel Walker, Spider-Man, and Batman have yet to be captured.
At least they donate the winnings to a good cause, right? Yost says the two drink beers together, talk about life, and hang out like any other best friends would. Sounds like a match made in heaven. The deer probably disagree.
H/T The Big Lead
Photo credit: Christopher Hanewinckel-US PRESS