Ozzie Guillen, being the sly jokester that he is, decided to connect the downfall of Alex Rodriguez back to Madonna. Here’s what he tweeted on Monday:
its all madonnas fault. every athlete she has been with has gone bad. see canseco, rodman and now rodriguez lol lol lol—
Ozzie Guillen FND (@OzzieGuillen) August 05, 2013
A-Rod and Madonna dated back in 2008, which is the same time when Rodriguez’s wife filed for divorce. Madonna even had A-Rod into kabbalah, and the two were supposedly set up by Jerry Seinfeld, if you can believe that.
But I wouldn’t consider Madonna the cause of those guys’ problems. Shoot, The Worm won three titles with the Bulls and led the league in rebounding three times after his relationship with Madonna. I think this is more a matter of if you’re wild and crazy enough to date Madonna, you probably had some wildness/craziness in you already, which would show in other aspects of life.