Yeah, much like Will Brinson put it at Fanhouse, it only took Reggie Jackson two minutes to offend Jewish people, and take a jab at A-Rod. It started off with Reggie negotiating with an artist, asking the man if he was Jewish because he was working a tough negotiation. And that resulted in the following video taken by an NY Post cameraman:
I’m glad Reggie clarified that about his daughter because I was getting pretty interested for a second there. The artist apparently tried to cover up for Reggie saying he wasn’t anti-Semitic, but it’s just not a good idea to use a stereotype against any group at any time. Thing is, Don Imus did the exact same thing by stereotyping a group with his Pacman Jones, “What color is he? Well there you go” comment. Jackson’s not going to take that type of heat for his remark because there’s a double-standard depending on what group you offend. And come on Mr. October, what’s up with you ragging on A-Rod, too?